Monday, December 17, 2007

Mothers' Presents

When your mother's birthday is just around the corner,you will start to have a headache,thinking what sort of birthday present to buy for your mother.
I wanted to tell you is choosing a birthday present for your mother is very easy.It don't really need to cost you a lot but then you still need to pay for the present. I'm going to tell you the present which your mother like the most right now.

Ans: Answer
M.Y.M.H : Make Your Mother Happier

When you are in primary and secondary school.
Ans: Pay attention in class , your results must be among top five.
Maintain your results

When you are in college.
Ans: Don't mix with the wrong crowd ,do well in your test and graduate.

When you have finish your college
Ans: Find a good proper job

M.Y.M.H : Give more money to your mother

When you are 30.
Ans: Marry a good husband/wife.
M.Y.M.H : Treat your mother better than ever.

When you are 32.
Ans : Born as many children as possible.
M.Y.M.H : Bring you children to visit your mother often.

And that is the best present for your mother.

To Tell You The Truth:

I actually have not done any of that before,

but I tell you I will do all of that one day !